Monday, 2 May 2016

General Provisions regarding Financial Regulations

The key requirements of the financial regulations are contained within the main chapters. However, this should be read in conjunction with the ‘additional information’ which sets out in the more detailed elements of the regulations that are contained within the respective appendices .

1.Purpose and Objectives of Financial Regulations

1.1.  Introduction

1.1.1.  The Financial Regulations are intended to outline the high level framework within which the internal financial control system of the Health Service Executive (HSE) will operate.

1.1.2.  These regulations are not intended as a detailed procedural guide for financial processes or activity within the HSE as the organization is too diverse to allow that to be achieved in a practical and accessible document.

1.1.3. This document may be of assistance in providing training to managers and staff as to what their obligations are around compliance with the Financial Regulations, however, it has not been produced as a training document, again for reasons of practicality.

1.1.4.  These regulations have been prepared with the intention of ensuring that the financial controls in operation within the HSE are consistent with:
Irish and EU statutory requirements
Achievement of Best Value for Money
Department of Health and Children and Government policies and guidelines

Presently available best practice appropriately interpreted for the Irish Public Health Service context.

1.2. Compliance with Financial Regulations

1.2.1.  No set of Financial Regulations will be effective unless they are specific, understood and monitored for compliance.

1.2.2.  It is the responsibility of all Budget Holders, managers and staff to ensure that the day-to-day operations and procedures of the organization comply with the Financial Regulations.

1.2.3.  Budget Holders must ensure that a record is maintained of the training undertaken by each employee with regard to Financial Regulations. Certification of users of the Financial Regulations where applicable, together with other relevant training records (e.g. Financial Information System/Accounting training) should be maintained as a record of user knowledge, available skill sets, training history etc.

1.2.4.  All Budget Holders and other managers and staff have a direct responsibility to be pro-active in ensuring that they are aware of, understand and comply with these Financial Regulations.

1.2.5.  Persistent and negligent failure to comply with the Financial Regulations is a very serious matter for any HSE employee and may lead to disciplinary proceedings.

1.3.  Objectives

1.3.1.  The Financial Regulations and the system of internal financial controls that they underpin are intended to:

i.     Support the achievement of the corporate objectives of the HSE

ii.    Ensure the HSE operates within the limits of its notified Budget

iii.   Facilitate open and transparent accountability for the financial resources entrusted to the HSE

iv.   Support the efficient and effective use of resources assigned to HSE

v.    Ensure the safeguarding of the assets of the HSE

vi.   Reduce the likelihood of fraud, theft or error in relation to financial matters and increase the likelihood of its detection

1.4.  Context

1.4.1.  These Financial Regulations and compliance with them must be viewed in the context of the role of the HSE which is to improve the health and social wellbeing of the population it serves.

1.4.2.  Proper financial controls will assist the Health Service Executive in meeting this primary objective.

1.5.  Financial Regulations identify Minimum Controls

1.5.1.  These Financial Regulations set out what are, in effect, minimum standards of financial controls that are acceptable across this very large and diverse organization.

1.5.2.  It is the responsibility of every Budget Holder and his/her staff to put in place and document the detailed arrangements applicable to their own areas of responsibility.

1.5.3.  Budget Holders may decide to apply a higher level of control than the minimum set out in the regulations in order to achieve the objectives of the Financial Regulations. For example, expenditure control could be amended for local use so that the value that each grade has approval authority for could be lower than that allowed by these regulations.

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